Wednesday, January 24, 2007

4:20am alarm... It Hurts.

Early morning photos plus early morning swim plus early morning coffee and debate (Thanks Shane and Ruth makes for a good morning (and a seedy afternoon).

Why people don't leave the Shire.

Libby and I (sort of) grew up in the Shire and (gasp) left...
That's right we left!
But sometimes we sneak back... (you can see why)

These photos were taken at Shelley Beach (Cronulla). I got there at 4:30 and there was already a guy swimming down there; that's commitment.

Don't worry about the Crocodiles

Swimming at the Strugs can be a dangerous occupation... there are numerous sightings of Drop bears (answers to Sebastian) and growing rumours of Polar bears.

Suncreen (check), Beach Towel (check), Fur Coat (check)

How to survive an Australian Summer (in a fur coat). When the mercury soars it's time to take the Puppies for a Splash 'n' Run at the Strug's pool.
And, time permitting, sometimes there's etiquette lessons with their German Shepherd Lexi(e).

P.S. I think their pool comes with a special pool "fur filter".

M. C. Gee the Ashes sucked

And who could forget the Ashes? Me, for one. So dissapointed, but ranting aside a packed (ish) MCG was incredible to see on Boxing Day (even if it did rain, which was a little surreal). It was also quite a thing to see Warney adored (worshipped) by the home fans as he brought up his 700th Test Wicket. And there were some positives for England... maybe (email suggestions to
Take note of the wide (tall) angle photo; if you look closely Langer has just taken the catch at short cover to dismiss Colingwood- sharp catch.

Time off to recover from Holidays

Aaah the life of a student (and teacher?)... Having had 5 weeks off it's about time for another holiday and so we packed the tent and nicked off down the South Coast.

Merry Beach: 38 degrees in the shade, 3.8 degrees in the water.

And some seriously militant Kangaroos... One night ten of these angry (and steroid enhanced) marsupials surrounded our tent; Possibly a turf war?
I blame it on the Gangsta/Ghetto rap influence.

But it's not all sleep ins, naps and resting; one morning I even woke up early to enjoy a South Coast sunrise; Lib hit the snooze button (who would've guessed?)

Port Fairy versus Sydney

Who needs a million people partying at Circular Quay, when you could hang out in Port Fairy and spend the night with a thousand drunk country folk...

Still, at least there were fireworks...

Freak Shows?

After a week in Melbourne we cruised down the Great Ocean road (now that's a pretty road). We ended up in, possibly the smallest town in Victoria on the very night it threw the biggest party in Victoria!!! The whole town turned out for a quirky and characterful (think euphimism) float parade, followed by a Scottish (?) band and, best of all, a carnival.
Lib having never been to a carnival before was very excited... till she saw it.
I personally think a carnival should at least have a freak show component... bearded ladies anyone?
Still the carnies provided some flashy photos.

Peach Melba

Christmas: Family? Presents? Church? Ten hours in the car?
Lib and I drove down to Melbourne on Christmas Day for Culture, Coffee and Cricket.
Staying with Mark, Deb and Alana; the happiest baby in the world! Particular highlights were hot chocolates at Koko Black, The Sneaker exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (remember Reebok Pumps?!) and, of course, SHOPPING!